...and I asked Jeremy Howard on LinkedIn if we could use the fast.ai NLP
course (including a github issue for a license), and this is what he said:

Feel free to use stuff from the NLP course - just provide appropriate
credit (would be nice if you told people to come check out fast.ai's other
courses too!)

Not exactly a license. But at least permission. To be clear, he asks for
contact if you want to use them commercially:


Anyway, I packaged both Rochelle's and Fast.ai's courses in a Gigantum
project that is good for RStudio and Jupyter. If you're curious, you can
quickly import it by logging into this cloud server:


Then import:


If you want to do serious work, it makes more sense to set up Docker
lcoally. Also let me know if you want write access on my project -
otherwise, you'll end up with your own copy.

I've also set up a GitHub mirror that I can push to if folks want. It's not
currently up to date, but please ping me if you want that updated (it's
updated as of right now): https://github.com/davclark/nlp-workshop-expo

A final point is that (I think?) Rochelle's course doesn't use any
GPU-accelerated libraries. The Fast.ai course does - but you'll need to
switch the base in gigantum to a cuda-enabled one if you want to use a GPU
- maybe in a branch? We don't currently have any cuda bases for R (hasn't
come up), but if anyone wants that, lemme know.


On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:53 AM Dav Clark <davcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just dropped this issue asking about license preference:
> https://github.com/rochelleterman/FSUtext/issues/1
> What's the policy on Carpentries lessons borrowing from outside projects
> with various licenses or no license specified? Or, in a more limited scope:
> what's the plan for license for one or more NLP lessons?
> Best,
> D
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:27 PM Rochelle Terman <rter...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> If anyone is interested, I put together a Software Carpentry-style 'text
>> as data' workshop for Social Scientists. Latest version here.
>> <https://github.com/rochelleterman/FSUtext> It uses R. Feel free to
>> adapt.
>> Cheers, Rochelle
>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 3:54 PM Dav Clark <davcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am starting to think about my own text-oriented workshop for social
>>> scientists that would use Gigantum to help support beginners thinking more
>>> about big-picture aspects of data projects. From there, we'd transition to
>>> explain how you could do similar things "by hand" (e.g. using git + LFS
>>> directly).
>>> Ziyaad did you ever create an NLP working group? In any case, I'm happy
>>> to contribute to core carpentry-style materials (and I can easily adapt
>>> them to my own purposes later). And of course, if anyone wants to do stuff
>>> with Gigantum, I'm excited to help with that! But my sense is that this
>>> community is pretty committed to the command line ;)
>>> In terms of concepts, I'm interested in things that will help learners
>>> grok general ideas. So, understanding the transformation of texts to a
>>> matrix of frequency counts, perhaps some basics of what a matrix is, and
>>> what you can do with linear systems, and perhaps also the idea of an
>>> abstract "space" like word2vec.
>>> And as far as tools, I'm happy to do R or Python (and use RStudio or
>>> Jupyter). I see one vote for Spacy - so if that's a way to get someone
>>> on-board that sounds good to me! I've not done NLP for a few years, and
>>> spacy looks like magical python easy (cf. XKCD <https://xkcd.com/353/>).
>>> Best,
>>> Dav
>>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 9:11 AM <ba...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> just to let you know ... I'm planning to prepare a carpentries style
>>>> course on text mining... which is a type of NLP (i.e. Natural Language
>>>> Processing). :-)
>>>> Bea Alex (Edinburgh)
>> --
>> Rochelle Terman, Ph.D.
>> Provost Postdoctoral Fellow
>> Department of Political Science
>> University of Chicago
>> http://www.rochelleterman.com
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