I attended a SWC lesson <https://swcarpentry.github.io/web-data-python/> on 
"Working With Data on the Web" several years ago. That might be a great 
starting point.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2021, at 11:32 AM, Bennett E.J. wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Many researchers at some point have to start making use of HTTP-based APIs, 
> and unless they are very technically-minded then this involves a huge dump of 
> concepts all at once. It would be good to have a gentle introduction to the 
> Web to get to the point that learners can interact with Web APIs confidently.
> We’re looking for some material to deliver to PhD students in data science 
> who have done SWC and are now looking to potentially start consuming web 
> services in their code. Does anyone know of any?
> If not, then it seems like it could make a good 1–2-hour lesson. I’ve opened 
> an issue on the Carpentries Incubator 
> (https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/proposals/issues/86) suggesting 
> that I could develop something; if nothing good already exists, then it would 
> be good to get opinions on what topics would be important to not omit. A very 
> rough skeleton is in the PR linked above.
> Thanks in advance for any resources or opinions!
> Best
> Ed
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