
We have access to the post-graduate mailing lists and, when we send a workshop 
notice there, we get a deluge of sign-ups in minutes. We use that as last 
resort though.

All the best,
Giacomo Peru

— — —
Project Officer - The Software Sustainability Institute
EPCC, University of Edinburgh, The Bayes Centre, 47 Potterrow, Edinburgh, EH8 
t. +44 131 650 5856

On 13 Apr 2021, at 08:34, Martin Dreyer 
<amfd...@gmail.com<mailto:amfd...@gmail.com>> wrote:

This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.
You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the email 
is genuine and the content is safe.
Hi  All,

This is a little out of the normal discuss, but seeing that we are in constant 
decline with workshop sign-ups it can only mean that our advertising is not up 
to standard.

What would you say is the best platform to advertise other that the usual 
twitter, emails, etc.

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This list is for the purpose of general discussion about The Carpentries 
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