Hi folks,

We are looking for volunteers to act as Curriculum Advisors for Software 
Carpentry and three Data Carpentry curricula.

Curriculum Advisors provide high-level oversight, vision, and leadership for a 
curriculum and guide large-scale updates. Each Curriculum Advisory Committee 
(CAC) is supported by a group of Lesson Maintainers, who focus on day-to-day 
maintenance of the lessons.

We are looking for Curriculum Advisors for the Data Carpentry Ecology 
<https://datacarpentry.org/lessons/#ecology-workshop>, Social Science 
<https://datacarpentry.org/lessons/#social-science-curriculum>, and Image 
Processing <https://datacarpentry.org/lessons/#image-processing-curriculum> 
(currently in beta 
curricula, and for at least one more member of the existing CAC for Software 
Carpentry <https://software-carpentry.org/>, to act as Secretary for that 
group. You can read more about the roles and responsibilities within a CAC in 
the community handbook 

This is an excellent way to have an impact within the community with a 
relatively small and flexible commitment of time.

The deadline for applications is 22 July. You can read more about the call for 
applications in a recent blog post 
 and fill out this short form to apply to become a Curriculum Advisor 

Please get in touch with me (tobyhod...@carpentries.org 
<mailto:tobyhod...@carpentries.org>) if you have questions about Curriculum 
Advisory Committees, Lesson Program governance, or anything else related to The 
Carpentries curriculum.




Dr Toby Hodges (he/him)
Director of Curriculum
The Carpentries | https://carpentries.org

Schedule a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/tobyhodges

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including community activities, upcoming events, and announcements.  Some other 
lists you may also be interested in include discuss-hpc, discuss-r, and  our 
local groups. Visit https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/ to learn more. All 
activity on this and other Carpentries spaces should abide by The Carpentries 
Code of Conduct found here: 

The Carpentries: discuss
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