Greetings, Good Carpentry Folks
a few words of intro about be at the bottom of this post
wanted to quickly suggest that  for all lessons, (software, data, libraries ) 
it could be beneficial to provide an overview of the datasets being imported.  
I have already attended a few carpentry courses - all so excellent in different 
ways  - but the curricula  jump straight into import dataset/start hacking 
dataset and learning commands/doing exerices/  This is good, but a bit 
mechanical.  I suggest that when importing data sets for the lessons, 
instructors should provide an overview of what the data files are, what they 
contain, how are they structured. The lesson should end successfully imho when 
the learner can use the commands  and functions to query and manipulate their 
own data sets. For this purpose, the lesson should also include how to prepare  
your data files for processing. with some examples, I have not yet seen this in 
the curruculum. Again, this is NOT A COMPLAINT! I am enjoying thoroughly the 
opportunity to get up to speed with all this wonderful stuff,  Please consider 
this post as MY CONTRIBUTION as I have completed instructor training this year 
and I hope to checkout before the end of the year.  Cheerios. PDM
I joined recently and so glad I did . The Carpentries is excellent and doing my 
best to come to grips with the vast amount of resources.  I am a systems 
engineer b, did and  MSc in UK in 2001 (knowledge modelling)  researched data 
structures in my work, taught various courses in IT at graduate level and 
completed a PhD in 2012 in  Open data for systems engineering (tough one) I 
collected and analyzed data using google spreadsheets,  approx 100 samples. and 
have experience handling data in the thousands units. The way the data is 
structured/accessed is very important (that s my background) and will impact 
the effort/cost /outcome of the data analysis. I look forward to continue to 
learn as much as I can!! 
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