Hi everyone,

As you might have read on the blog recently, the Curriculum Team is 
coordinating an Instructor Notes Drive 
<https://carpentries.org/blog/2023/05/instructor-notes-drive-schedule/>, which 
starts today and runs through to the end of next week, Friday 19th May 2023.

During this time we call on the community to help us expand, update, and 
improve the guidance provided to Instructors on any and all of The Carpentries 
lessons. This is a great opportunity to share your experience as an Instructor 
with the whole community, and to learn/practice the skills needed to contribute 
to an open source project. It is also a good chance to get some hands-on 
experience working with the new lesson infrastructure.

To learn more about the Instructor Notes Drive, including links to instructions 
and tutorial videos describing how to edit the Instructor Notes on a lesson, 
check out the blog post published at the end of last week 
<https://carpentries.org/blog/2023/05/instructor-notes-drive-schedule/>. That 
post also lists the schedule for coworking sessions 
<https://pad.carpentries.org/instructor-notes-drive-coworking-2023>, where 
community members can come to contribute to the Drive together.

I am also hosting a couple of community discussions this week, which provides 
another opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss the event. Those 
sessions will take place at:

09:00 UTC, Tuesday 9th May 2023 (check the event time in your time zone 
18:00 UTC, Wednesday 10th May 2023 (check the event time in your time zone 

I hope to see you there, 



Dr Toby Hodges (he/him)
Director of Curriculum
The Carpentries | https://carpentries.org

Schedule a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/tobyhodges

This list is for the purpose of general discussion about The Carpentries 
including community activities, upcoming events, and announcements.  Some other 
lists you may also be interested in include discuss-hpc, discuss-r, and  our 
local groups. Visit https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/ to learn more. All 
activity on this and other Carpentries spaces should abide by The Carpentries 
Code of Conduct found here: 

The Carpentries: discuss
Delivery options: https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/discuss/subscription

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