Hello everyone!
I'm writing to inform the channel of some upcoming Community Sessions you
may be interested in attending in August. This will be the second month of
our new programming options that we highlighted in a recent blog post
<https://carpentries.org/blog/2023/04/new-community-programming/>. You can
find your local time and sign up for them on the Community Sessions Etherpad
<https://pad.carpentries.org/community-sessions-2023>, with the exception
of Welcome Sessions which are now listed on the Welcome Sessions Etherpad
<https://pad.carpentries.org/welcome-sessions-2023>. You can find all
upcoming opportunities by visiting our Community Calendar
<https://carpentries.org/community/#community-events>. To request an
accommodation to attend a community session, please fill out the accommodation
request form <https://carpentries.typeform.com/to/B2OSYaD0>. Questions?
Please email commun...@carpentries.org. Hope you can join us!

   - 08 August

   - *Skill Up: OpenRefine *at 13:30 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - Is there a part of OpenRefine's lesson plan that you struggle with?
   Questions from any version (Library, Software, or Data Carpentry) are
   welcome. How do you teach OR remotely differently from in-person?
   - Expertise in OpenRefine not expected; if you are considering adding
   the OpenRefine module to your instructor area, please join.

   - 09 August

   - *Carpentries Storytelling* at 14:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - Share cool stories about things you are doing / things that you were
   able to do because you learned something in a Carpentries workshop.

   - 10 August

   - *Regional DACH Community Discussion *at 15:30 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - This is a monthly call for community members in the DACH region of
   Europe (i.e., Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

   - *Part 2 (collaboration session): Communication with and convening your
   Carpentries subcommunity* at 20:30 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - A Carpentries subcommunity brings together a subset of the global
   community and can be local, regional, domain-specific, or a group of
   community members sharing a common language or interests. During this
   session, participants will collaborate on developing a tip sheet to support
   communicating with and convening a Carpentries subcommunity. It will build
   upon an earlier interactive session reviewing existing tools and
   documentation (Part 1). Anyone interested in community building is welcome
   to join one or both sessions!

   - *This session will be repeated on Thursday, 17 August at 18:00 UTC (**find
   your time
   ; add to calendar

   - 14 August

   - *Welcome Session* 13:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - New to The Carpentries community? Join members of the Core Team and
   community to learn about the organisation, ways to engage, and to have your
   questions answered. These sessions are ideal for recently trained
   Instructors, new Member contacts, and anyone curious to learn more about
   The Carpentries community. This is also a great place to re-onboard if you
   haven’t been engaged with us for a while!
   - *This session will be repeated 15 August 15:00 UTC (**find your time
   ; *add to calendar
   18 August 09:00 UTC (**find your time
   ; *add to calendar
   30 August 12:00 UTC (**find your time
   *; **add to calendar
   and 23:00 UTC (**find your time
   ; *add to calendar
   All upcoming Welcome Sessions are listed on the **Welcome Sessions
   Etherpad <https://pad.carpentries.org/welcome-sessions-2023>**.*

   - 15 August

   - *Welcome Session* 15:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - 17 August

   - *25th Anniversary Regional Spotlight Event* at 02:00 UTC (find your
   ; add to calendar

   - Join us for the second event in our 25th anniversary celebration
   series spotlighting our subcommunities in New Zealand and Australia.

   - *Part 2 (collaboration session): Communication with and convening your
   Carpentries subcommunity* at 18:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - 18 August

   - *Welcome Session* 09:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - 24 August

   - *Regional Africa Community Discussion* at 10:00 UTC (add to calendar

   - This is a monthly call for community members in Africa.

   - 28 August

   - *Regional UK Community Discussion* 15:00 UTC (add to calendar

   - This is a monthly call for community members in the United Kingdom.

   - *Regional US Midwest Community Discussion* at 16:00 UTC (add to

   - This is a monthly call for community members in the midwestern part of
   the United States.

   - 29 August

   - *Skill Up: Contributing to The Carpentries lessons in GitHub* at 18:00
   UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - This lesson will teach how to use the GitHub interface to contribute
   to Carpentries curricula. It does not require any experience with
   git/GitHub but you will need to create a GitHub account in advance.

   - *Community Discussion Session* at 18:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having
   recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new
   instructors going through the check-out process.

   - 30 August

   - *Welcome Session *12:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar
   and 23:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - 31 August

   - *Skill Up: Tips and Resources for Writing Successful and Impactful
   Grant Proposals* at 19:00 UTC (find your time
   ; add to calendar

   - In this session, I will share tips and resources for writing
   successful and impactful grant proposals based on my experiences as a grant
   writer and reviewer and will invite other attendees to share as well. This
   session will also include information on all you need to know to build The
   Carpentries into your grant proposals, from requesting a letter of support
   to budgeting funds for specific activities. Content from this (and a repeat
   session) will be shared back with the broader community through a blog
   post, which attendees will be invited to co-author.

*Alycia Crall* *(pronunciation <https://namedrop.io/alyciacrall>)*
Director of Community
*The Carpentries*
Carpentries.org | Mastodon <https://fosstodon.org/@thecarpentries> |
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-carpentries/> | Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/carpentries/> | Blog
<https://carpentries.org/blog/> | Twitter
Office Hours
Schedule a Meeting <http://calendly.com/alycia-carpentries>

This list is for the purpose of general discussion about The Carpentries 
including community activities, upcoming events, and announcements.  Some other 
lists you may also be interested in include discuss-hpc, discuss-r, and  our 
local groups. Visit https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/ to learn more. All 
activity on this and other Carpentries spaces should abide by The Carpentries 
Code of Conduct found here: 

The Carpentries: discuss
Delivery options: https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/discuss/subscription

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