5 апреля 2014 г. 14:13:57 CEST, Gabriele Bulfon <gbul...@sonicle.com> пишет:
>let's say I have delivered lxdm as the main graphical login service
>before, through a specific lxdm service,
>defaulting to active state.
>Now I want to change this, delivering lightdm, through his specific
>lightdm service.
>Obviously updating from ips there would be a clash of two login
>managers trying to start.
>I'd like the new one, when installed, to force lxdm service state to
>off on reboot, and have lightdm service
>to be active on reboot.
>Actually I don't want pkg to stop/start services during install, but
>just switch their state on next reboot.
>How can I achieve this through either pkg manifest or svc files?
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For one, you can have different dependencies in smf - including exclusion (so 
one or another may be enabled but not both), such as network/physical default 
vs. nwam.

For enabling after boot/install, you can select and edit an alternate smf 
repository with svccfg, e.g. to import a manifest for the service into an 
alternate BE which will come into force after reboot. For an example see my 
notes on split rootfs setup, where one can embed the alternate zfs-root 
mounting service right during installation.

For example, you might add a service whose job would be to disable one dm, 
enable another, and self-destruct. Probably, an early (rc2?) init-script would 
be handier at this than an smf service ;)
Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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