Erik Trimble <> wrote:

> Well,
> Since a significant amount of Linux distros use Dash instead of Bash for
> /bin/sh, and the large majority of Solaris/IllumOS system scripts depend on
> a 100% Bourne-compatible /bin/sh  (of which Bash is *not*),   I'd say fix
> the shell script, rather than open that particular can of worms.

Solaris did depend on a 100% compatible Bourne Shell, but Sun changed this on 
April 2010 with OpenSolaris.

Between april and August 2010, aprox. 3 scripts have been made non-portable and 
depending on ksh.

> Frankly, this is lazy coding on the part of the App Developer, since
> /bin/sh on ANY Unix-ish system other than Linux has NEVER been Bash.  Bash
> was used in Linux for quite awhile due to (a) Lazy Distro maintainers, and
> (b) lack of a real, suitable, pure unencumbered Bourne Shell.   That was
> fixed almost a decade ago, though, so continued reliance that /bin/sh ->
> bash  is just very sloppy coding.

Unless you install the "osh" compile variant of the Schily Bourne Shell on 
Linux, there is no Bourne Shell compatible shell on Linux.

> Also, just to be clear:  the scripts seem to wanting Bash, which is NOT a
> 100% compatible Bourne shell (of which ksh *is*).

ksh is not 100% Bourne compatible, it is just that Scripts written for the 
Borne Shell have been written more carefully to not expose the problems.

If you like to get a list of incompatibilities, you may look at the Schily 
Bourne Shell web page that lists all changes required for POSIX compatibility 
in read:

The man page linked there contains a section COMPATIBILITY that lists 
incompatibilities between the Bourne Shell and the POSIX shell.


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