After testing 16.3.0 pkgin does not seem to honor the usual proxy env
variables anymore (HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY).
Is there something else required to make this work?


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 4:35 AM, Jonathan Perkin <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm pleased to announce that the pkgsrc-2016Q3 binary package sets for
> illumos are now available, with over 15,000 packages available.
> As always you can install them using the instructions here:
> SmartOS 16.3.0 images based on this package set will be available on
> shortly.
> For the 2016Q3 release we welcome the following notable package
> additions to the pkgsrc collection for illumos:
> -  Emacs 25.1
>  Go 1.7.1
>  KDE Frameworks 5.25.0
>  MySQL 5.7.15
>  PHP 7.1.0rc2
>  Rust 1.11
>  Many more TexLive 2016 packages
> We also say goodbye to the following notable packages:
> -  Python 3.3
>  PHP 5.5
> The following important infrastructure changes were introduced:
> -  The pkg_install tools now support HTTPS, and both pkgin and pkg_add
>  now fetch packages over HTTPS by default.
> -  Dovecot plugins are now separate packages instead of compile-time
>  options, providing more flexibility for binary package users.
> -  PHP modules are now automatically enabled at install time with
>  per-module .ini files placed into the PKG_SYSCONFDIR/php.d directory.
> In total 276 packages were added and 1,520 package updates were
> processed since the pkgsrc-2016Q2 release.
> Please report any bugs or feature requests specifically related to
> this binary package set on our GitHub issues page:
> Enjoy!
> --
> Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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