
I have a Super Micro server with Intel 10-Gigabit X540-AT2 ethernet controller, which doesn't want to speak to Cisco Nexus Nexus5548 at 10GBit/s.

I've checked that cable is fine, I can use it to establish server-to-server 10GB/s connection or cisco-to-cisco 10GB/s connection.
But cisco-to-server auto-negotiation happens only on 1GB/s.

I've tried to turn off en_1000fdx_cap and en_100fdx_cap, but it doesn't help. Can I somehow disable auto-negotiation and force adapter to use fixed duplex and speed?

Something like http://sysadminsjourney.com/content/2008/05/08/forcing-nic-speed-and-duplex-solaris-10/ doesn't work, and dladm doesn't allow me to set adv_100fdx_cap or adv_1000fdx_cap to 0.

Now device properties look like this (tried to disable adv_autoneg_cap, link just went down) :

# dladm show-linkprop ixgbe3
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
ixgbe3       speed           r-   0              0              --
ixgbe3       autopush        rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       zone            rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       duplex          r-   unknown        unknown        half,full
ixgbe3       state           r-   down           up             up,down
ixgbe3       adv_autoneg_cap rw   0              1              1,0
ixgbe3       mtu             rw   1500           1500           1500-15500
ixgbe3       flowctrl        rw   no             no             no,tx,rx,bi
ixgbe3       adv_100gfdx_cap r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_100gfdx_cap  --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_40gfdx_cap  r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_40gfdx_cap   --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_10gfdx_cap  r-   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       en_10gfdx_cap   rw   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_5000fdx_cap r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_5000fdx_cap  --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_2500fdx_cap r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_2500fdx_cap  --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_1000fdx_cap r-   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       en_1000fdx_cap  rw   0              1              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_1000hdx_cap r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_1000hdx_cap  --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_100fdx_cap  r-   1              1              1,0
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
ixgbe3       en_100fdx_cap   rw   0              1              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_100hdx_cap  r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_100hdx_cap   --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_10fdx_cap   r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_10fdx_cap    --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       adv_10hdx_cap   r-   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       en_10hdx_cap    --   --             0              1,0
ixgbe3       maxbw           rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       cpus            rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       cpus-effective  r-   0-4,7-19       --             --
ixgbe3       pool            rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       pool-effective  r-   --             --             --
ixgbe3       priority        rw   high           high low,medium,high
ixgbe3       tagmode         rw   vlanonly       vlanonly normal,vlanonly
ixgbe3       forward         rw   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       default_tag     rw   1              1              --
ixgbe3       learn_limit     rw   1000           1000           --
ixgbe3       learn_decay     rw   200            200            --
ixgbe3       stp             rw   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       stp_priority    rw   128            128            --
ixgbe3       stp_cost        rw   auto           auto           --
ixgbe3       stp_edge        rw   1              1              1,0
ixgbe3       stp_p2p         rw   auto           auto true,false,auto
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
ixgbe3       stp_mcheck      rw   0              0              1,0
ixgbe3       protection      rw   --             --             mac-nospoof,


ixgbe3       allowed-ips     rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       allowed-dhcp-cids rw --             --             --
ixgbe3       rxrings         rw   --             --             --
ixgbe3       rxrings-effective r- 8              --             --
ixgbe3       txrings         rw   --             --             sw,hw,<1-7>
ixgbe3       txrings-effective r- 8              --             --
ixgbe3       txrings-available r- 7              --             --
ixgbe3       rxrings-available r- 0              --             --
ixgbe3       rxhwclnt-available r- 0             --             --
ixgbe3       txhwclnt-available r- 7             --             --

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

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