On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Hans Rosenfeld
<hans.rosenf...@nexenta.com> wrote:
> So perhaps apix/pcmplusmp need to do some cleanup work when interrupts
> are released so that ESXi understands what happens there. I don't really
> know.
> Disabling the use of MSI-X in nvme on ESXi seems to workaround that
> problem. I've asked that question before: There are already a few other
> drivers in illumos that disable MSI-X when running on ESXi. Should nvme
> do the same, or would it better to disable MSI-X on ESXi completely?

We're working on interrupt/CPU scalability for vmxnet3s that relies on
MSI-X (which is already being used reliably by the current driver
which uses one per device). I would say that disabling MSI-X for the
entire platform would be a non-starter from our perspective.


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