Matthew:"(drm versus open library) To me that's the biggest
difference between the iPod and Kindle and the reason why the Kindle
is not going to take off like the iPod did."

The iPod isnt as 'open' as you might think.  You cant really take
your iTunes library and plonk it on another player, you can only burn
a track/album to cd 5 times.  Its not terrible but its certainly DRM.

However, I think there's a strong argument to say that isnt the
reason the iPod took off.  Ease of use, and for me.. the 'story'. 
Non technical users pitched a scenario that they could buy in to, and
a solution that actually worked.

The question hanging over the Kindle's head is will people buy the
story?  Can they visualise their life being better through carrying
digitised reading collection around?

There's no question in my mind that the ebook reader concept will
have a significant market share in the future.  But I see a more
gradual shift from book to connected-linked-searchable-always on
which younger and future generations will be more comfortable with.

But a ~5 year mass switch from book to ebook, similar to CD-iPod...
very hard to see that happening with something that wouldnt look out
of place on the set of Space 1999

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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