Don Norman in Business Week earlier this month re-framing Apple's  
design process as what sounds a little like activity centered design.  
It's just a brief quote in a much longer article: 

> Apple's approach isn't about targeting hipsters, says Donald A.  
> Norman, a professor at Northwestern University and author of The  
> Design of Future Things. Rather, the company's design genius lies  
> in its dedication to making simple, elegant devices for specific  
> activities, not demographic types, he says. Its early markets were  
> learning and publishing; now they're creativity and entertainment.  
> "The proper way to design is not to target an individual type of  
> customer. You want 100 million customers," says Norman.

Also, just to stir up the anthill a little more, I tend to think of  
genius design as extemporaneous design (no fancy acronym) I don't  
view it as a perjorative. The metaphor is to extemporaneous acting,  
which is unrehearsed and takes quite a bit of skill to do well since  
it depends on intuition and the ability to synthesize bits from past  
experience on the fly.

// jeff
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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