On Feb 14, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Kim Bieler wrote:
> I seem to have volunteered myself for kickstarting a Washington DC
> affiliate of IxDA.

Hi Kim,
There's been an effort in the the works already for a few months now.  
I'm sure all help/guidance/leadership would be appreciated by all.

I've attached the latest post - a survey - from Alex Fisken, who has  
currently has the reins. I also meet a lot of people from metro-DC at  
Interaction08 that were unaware of this effort, so hopefully we can  
all get on the same page.

Wish I had met you in Savannah - I suspect we were on the same plane  
back to DC - with that "exciting" landing?

Best regards, Shep McKee
On Feb 7, 2008, at 5:48 PM, fisken wrote:

> We did not get a great response from the initial survey, so I wanted
> to ask anyone who has not gotten a chance to reply to do so.
> Please try to have it completed by February 15th - I will circle back
> with the group and see how we can set up a kick-off in the upcoming  
> month.
> Thanks again,
> -Alex
> ---------------
> Hello IxDA-DC,
> I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. In the hopes of
> getting the IxDA-DC off to a great start for 2008, I'd like to solicit
> some feedback from the group.
> The intention is that we can set up the group as a valuable local
> resource. With that in mind, please feel free to fill out this quick
> and dirty 10 question survey:
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=cxFhsoZeDgRUfQ3bGPby_2bA_3d_3d
> If you have any additional thoughts, ideas, or comments - please feel
> free to email me directly: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks again,
> Alex
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