For good combination of news *and* entertainment video presentation take a
look at The Daily Show site:
By the way, I like their calendar navigation/filter:


On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:15:46, Eugene Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's been hard finding research on this with just snippets of
> information here and there.  So far I've attempted to sniff out best
> practices from other video sites, conducted one 30-minute
> around-the-office user test, and relied on my and my team's
> expertise.  I hope to convince management to fit some usability in
> before our next revision.
> > It's important to note that these were models for
> > video embedded in the context of a page w/other content.
> >
> Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of if you specifically
> navigated to a video site, but I agree with you concerning embedded
> media and when it's appropriate.  ESPN auto-plays the video on their
> home page and I find it pretty annoying (top-right-hand corner).
> It's like embedded audio back in the day...
> But concerning auto-play vs. click-to-play, the type of video content
> presented has much to do with determining this.  Are you mainly
> providing news or entertainment?  While not mutually exclusive, I'd
> imagine CNN videos don't have as much viral value as YouTube videos
> do.  This includes factors such as timeliness of content (evening
> news vs. dancing hamsters) and replay-ability (watching the same
> video again), amongst others.
> Hope to see more discussion on this.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Posted from the new
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Oleh Kovalchuke
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