I'm also interested in this, but from the other end of the process:
what an exhibition of IxD work might look like and how it might
communicate *what* IxD is to an unfamiliar audience.

So, a little cross-purpose there, but wrt this thread it might help
get planning started. Eg to draw backwards from 
an exhibit of selected entries through
the judging of entries, from 
the submission & collection of entries, made through
the production of entries, leading (hopefully) from 
the design of entries, in response to
the call for entries, inspired by adding to
this thread, 

To get it right, and imvho nothing can divide a community like a
(hastily planned) competition, I reckon there's a few things to
for Eg (to illustrate the issue) think of formats: the gd comp that
started this thread only had one format, the poster. Constraints can
be good for creativity, not to mention planning an exhibit, so would
we constrain the entry formats?
Gtg now, but look forward to discussing this more...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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