If there was a quiz at the end of the interview - what percentage of Twits
would have utterly failed because only 50% of their attention (if that) was
on the interview.....

This reminds me completely of an article a while back about people's
"mediated" experience of reality - for instance the dad that goes to Disney
world - and observes the entire experience through his camcorders
viewfinder. Yoda would not be please at all. If you are twittering - chances
are you are not listening. By mediating your experience of reality - you
only get to actually percieve (qualia), a significantly smaller about of
what is happening.

I realize Andre you were speaking more to the Mob mentality of the
twittering going on during the interview - which of course runs counter to
the "wisdom of crowds," but i still think back to even Interactions08 - and
the number of people sitting in the audience "listening" to a speaker - when
in fact they were writing blogs (unrelated to the speaker) and reading blogs
(again - unrelated to the speaker) - which is why I don't bring my laptop to
conference speeches and seminars. 1. I learn less; 2. it's F*&%ing rude to
the speaker.

My humber 2 cents.

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk <

> So, not sure how many of you tracked the Zuckerberg keynote last week
> at SXSW, but while I was there in Austin, an odd thing happened.
> It seemed to me to be the first time I saw Twitter used in a way that
> had a negative impact. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the
> anger of the crowd at Zuckerberg's keynote interview seemed to be
> fueled further by the fact people were venting in Twitter at the same
> time. In this instance, Twitter seemed to be like pouring gasoline on
> a fire, making the reaction to a poor interview far worse than it was
> in reality.
> (IMHO of course.)
> Further, I have to say... the whole use of Twitter and mobile devices
> at the conference really depressed me. It seemed like every ten
> seconds no matter who you were with, they all kept looking down at
> their iPhones and basically taking themselves out of whatever was
> going on. I know I'm becoming a Luddite and all, but honestly... put
> down the damn iPhone, Blackberry or whatever it is you use already!
> It's really becoming beyond annoying.
> Getting too old before my time I guess.
> --
> Andrei Herasimchuk
> Principal, Involution Studios
> innovating the digital world
> c. +1 408 306 6422
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