I've been really trying to stay away from this... but I have to chime  

On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:11 AM, Dave Meeker wrote:

> The biggest advantages of using the Flash player as a runtime for  
> your RIA
> as opposed to using AJAX:
> 1) Write once, deploy cross platform

That "pro" is also it's biggest con, in that you are tying yourself,  
your product and everything you do to Adobe in what is effectively a  
closed and proprietary format. In other words, you are at the mercy  
of the Adobe folks getting it right year over year as technology  
continues to evolve.

> 2) You can turn your Flex application into a desktop application  
> without
> much code refactoring (using AIR).

Indeed. This is a nice argument for creating a thin client product.  
But mixing these products into browser environments as well as having  
desktop versions is massively confusing in my opinion. I actually  
think Flash/Flex is better for the thin client approach, and  
desperately wish people would stop embedding massively complex Flash  
apps inside web browsers where they make little sense.

> 3) With the evolution of browsers, you can be less concerned about  
> how to
> migrate your code to keep up with changes in the Document Object  
> Model in
> AJAX, as the Flash player is backwards compatible.

This is an argument for dropping the web browser as a development  
platform. However, if Adobe ever were honest about that product path,  
they'd probably lose 90% of the people who would even be interested  
in using Flash/Flex. Why? Because the products would live outside the  
massive deployment model of the web browser. Unfortunate as that is.

So, in short... be careful with this point. It will burn a lot of  
people when you get into the heart of *WHY* it is the case.

> 4) The Flash player now has hardware acceleration... so you can  
> build UI's
> that look and feel the way YOU want the to, and not be limited by your
> development technology

No. You are still limited by whatever Flash can or cannot do as a  
platform. Let's not even bring up how crappy text handling still is  
to this day in the Flash rendering environment.

> 5) 3-d integration (using papervision or another framework)

No one cares about this. Ok... maybe 3% of the development teams out  
there do... but really, no one cares about this point.

> 6) Handles LOTS of data much, much, much better (data grids with  
> tons of
> rows, etc)

Based on what metrics? I have yet to find a Flash/Flex app that  
handles large sets of data faster or better that a well implemented  
browser or desktop version. They all have their pitfalls, especially  
when done improperly. And yes, this includes and understanding that  
even if you could display a thousand rows of data in less than a  
second, people can't process it on something as coarse as the  
resolution of a computer screen, so who cares?

> All in all, it's been a really good tool in my experiences... But I  
> preface
> that by saying I've been fortunate enough to work with some pretty  
> talented
> software engineers that really know the framework and how to make  
> it sing.

That's obviously a big issue. The thing I have yet to understand is  
that if I'm working with that kind of engineering group, which I have  
have done so many times in my past, why not just build a real desktop  
client application and regain control of everything you need to gain  
control of. Sure, *some* of the up front engineering may take a tad  
longer than going the RIA route, but given the total and full amount  
of control you'll get for that investment,

Now... I'm not saying Flex/Silverlight or any of those technologies  
are bad or anything. But what I am tired of are people who aren't  
discussing the pros and cons of all of them at a purely agnostic,  
"what happens" level, letting people decide for themselves what they  
really need to do for their product development. Your list crosses  
that line for me.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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