Scott Berkun:
>  Apple is a great example of what can happen when they do (although to be
>  fair, I doubt Jobs or Wozniak would call themselves designers. Certainly not
>  when they started).

I'm baffled by this example. Neither Steve would have called himself a
designer at the time.

>  Palm et. al. are not losing because they are tone deaf to design - they are
>  losing because someone is making a superior product.

Or put another way, Palm et. al. are losing because they have been
unable to design products superior to their competition!

>  All three companies,
>  in the grand scheme, have been quite succesful.

After its initial surge, Palm has been a textbook case of
dysfunctional, rudderless tech company, unable even to decide on an
OS. Moto's division that competes directly against Apple is about to
sold, with no buyer in sight. Creative, the company that claimed to
have popularized media players and declared 'war' on Apple, was
reduced to a peripheral maker for iPods. Their stock prices also
reflect their utter failure, in the grand scheme of things.

>  I agree quiting a job is extreme, but the attitude is not.

Well, that's a huge difference. I wouldn't want someone to counsel my
kids as a matter of immediate strategy to quit their jobs and start a
company. Most people aren't unfortunately cut out to become instant
entrepreneurs. It'd be irresponsible to encourage them to do so, like
countless infomercials on TV.

>  Anyone who comes to an established, succesful table and
>  asks for an equal voice will always be questioned and challenged to prove
>  their value

If a bank management (of MBAs, brokers and lawyers) has just lost $20
billion in the credit market debacle, that's not because their website
or call center or risk management software wasn't properly designed.
It's because the management decided, on purpose, to ignore or shift
attendant risks. If you close your eyes to malfeasance, then we can
categorize it perhaps as sheer incompetence. If Steve Jobs (certainly
the most prominent 'designer/CEO' ever) has taught us anything, you
don't play by your opponent's rules. So unless and until the
CEO/management is questioned and challenged on strategy, nothing is
going to change. Any other discussion would at best be at the margins.

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