On 5/16/08, Sachendra Yadav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a concrete distinction between use cases and user scenarios?

Here is my take on answering your question:
First the similarities:
Both are functional analysis tools and help to drill down on the
behaviour of a system vis-a-vis another system, components of the same
system and living beings.  Both can have varying levels of detailing
and can be described similarly and both are created by people
responsible for defining the behaviour of the system- typically
business analysts, IxDers, architects etc.

Now to the dissimilarities:
Use cases do not qualify a user and hence take all users are entities
in the system that interact with the system. Thus every use case just
lists the behaviour
of how a user will interact with the system. Where the user scenario
differs is that it also qualifies the user by way of persona
definition and hence the user is no more an entity interacting with
the syetm but a living being with specific emotional, physical and
technology-understanding limitations that can impact her inetraction
with the system.

Just to showcase the difference between teh two using an example, lets
take an example of system that requires a Cashier interacting with the
Cash Register.

The use case will be:
1. Cashier enters the cash tendered by the Customer into the system.
2. Cash Register reports back the balance.
3. Cashier takes back the balance from the Register and gives back to Customer.
4. Cash Register prints a cash receipt.
5. Cashier gives the cash receipt to the Customer.

Now if you see the user case nowhere puts in the limitations of the
Cashier in terms of whether he is from first world or third world,
whether the Cashier or the Customer is english speaking or only
understands native language only, whether the shop where the cash
register is at a duty free airport terminal or at a grocery store in
the neighbourhood, whether the Cash Register can take credit card
payments or only cash, whether the Cash Register supports multiple
or only one currency etc etc etc.

Adding all these details is what defines a User Scenario. Do note a
very important point and that is that the User Scenario not only
creates a persona for the living being but also for the system (in the
example Cash Register also has a persona defined as to whetehr it can
take multiple currencies and credit card etc).

So in summary what differentiates a Use Case from the User Scenario is
the additional data in terms of persona creation and how that impacts
the over all behaviours of the system. Hope it makes sense.

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