I'm very pleased to inform our website (http://www.ixda.org.cn/sh/) is
up! We'll be posting the updates of our local community there --
recaps of previous face-to-face meetings, job postings, upcoming
events, resources sharing --, so go check some pictures of our last

I would like to also inform about our next Face-to-Face meeting:

May 27h 2008, 7:00PM

Autodesk China Research and Development Center
399 Pu Dian Road, Pudong New District,
Shanghai, 200122, P.R. China

A very convenient way of getting there is by METRO: coming on LINE 4,
Autodesk's office is just outside of PUDIAN ROAD STATION; coming on
LINE 2, you can take the metro in the direction of Zhang Jiang
Technology Park, get off at SHIJI AVENUE, switch to LINE 4 and get off

In that occasion, we'll recap Alan Cooper's Keynote "An Insurgency of
Quality" at IxDA Interaction '08 conference. I realize that it might
be difficult for all to arrive at 7:00PM, so there will be some
refreshments and a little time for networking before we start the
video at 7:30PM

Note that the conference room that Autodesk has kindly made available
for us has a total capacity of 50 (fifty) people. So -- please -- RSVP
using our guest list form
BEFORE SUNDAY, May 25th, in order to guarantee your place!

{ Itamar Medeiros } IxDA Local Coordinator, Shanghai

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