Hi, what kind of portal are you building? Corporate intranet or
extranet (partners site)?

I have been involved with the interaction and user interface design
for both. Here are general rules to follow:

1. Ask about the platform. Is it out of the box (Sharepoint,
Websphere Portal)? Or is it custom from the ground up? There are
implications with flexibility for functionality, features and design
(the later being the most flexible).

2. Be diligent with user research. Ask your users about expectations
and skill level. If you design a portal that is hard to update for
content administrators (stale content) and doesn't engage user with
either meaningful content or productive tools people won't use it.

3. Make sure the portal design also includes support for 508b
compliance, a help section and a feedback mechanism. Nice to have: a
community like functionality, builds involvement.

Cheers I hope this helps, Peter

Peter Chung
Senior User Experience Designer
Customer Experience Group, CNET.com


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