Excuse me. I wasn't aware of the fact that you couldn't embed links in your posts, therefore the cryptic entry before. May I suggest a small "No HTML in posts" text next to the form? ;-)
The links should have been: One: http://bp0.blogger.com/_1iwL_QddcwI/R42x30XuHYI/AAAAAAAASwQ/Ak4R9aUmAJs/s1600-h/mælkekartoner 006.JPG Two: http://bp1.blogger.com/_1iwL_QddcwI/R42x3EXuHXI/AAAAAAAASwI/UJ_sfhVfxsE/s1600-h/mælkekartoner 004.JPG colour-coding: http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billede:Mælkekartoner_MilkContainers.JPG Sorry. I hope this actually works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new ixda.org http://www.ixda.org/discuss?post=30898
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