Today's Sunday New York Times has an article on design and design
thinking.  It is accessible at:
(Note, you might have to have a subscription to this read)

A few quotes from the article by Janet Rae-Dupress (October 4, 2008).

"Properly used, design thinking can weave together elements of
demographics, research, environmental factors, psychology,
anthropology and sociology to generate novel solutions to some of the
most puzzling problems in business."

"'It would be overreaching to say that design thinking solves
everything. That's putting it too high on a pedestal,' Mr. Kembel
says. 'Business thinking plus design thinking ends up being far more
(Note, the reference here is to George Kembel, co-foudner and exec
director of the at Standford).

There are a few interesting examples of the use of metaphor (the
change from a "living room metaphor" for Saturn showrooms to an
"interactive museum" where people are invited to touch and play with
'car things" (the living room metaphor when examined from the
viewpoint of a guest is one where people are on their best behavior
and may not want to ask many questions or play with someone's

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