
One of the interesting aspects of Facebook's business-model-in-training is
the work they're doing on targeting - highly-focused advertising based on
the individual's stated interests, as compared to Google's inferential model
based on search terms or email content. We're yet to see how successful
Facebook will be in their implementation of this functionality, particularly
with respect to intelligently mining a person's profile, but it's an
interesting and unique approach to the challenge of delivering value to


2008/10/10 Jared Spool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What I've been praying for, to learn what Facebook's business plan is, will
> be finally answered!
> In 3 years, once Mark Zuckerberg figures it out.
> http://is.gd/3MSY
> Silicon Alley Insider: Zuckerberg: Facebook Will Have A Business Plan In
> Three Years
> If you've had a nagging suspicion that Mark Zuckerberg really doesn't know
> how he'll turn Facebook into a business, wonder no more. You're right. Here
> he is talking to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:
> 'What every great internet company has done is to figure out a way to make
> money that has to match to what they are doing on the site. I don't think
> social networks can be monetized in the same way that search did. But on
> both sites people find information valuable. I'm pretty sure that we will
> find an analogous business model. But we are experimenting already. One
> group is very focused on targeting; another part is focused on social
> recommendation from your friends. In three years from now we have to figure
> out what the optimum model is. But that is not our primary focus today.'
> If you're counting, three years from now would be nearly 7 years since Mark
> (and others) started Facebook at Harvard, and four years since Microsoft
> plowed $240 million into the company.
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