Very well put, Jonas!

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Jonas Löwgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  I notice though, that there is a strong dependency on how/if the
>> interaction
>> will work and the (eventual) visual design.
>> My question: can an interaction designer create great working interaction
>> without having visual design skills?

My take is this: as a designer, you should really know a lot about
communicating. Graphics are a medium for communication, so it would probably
help to know the basic principles - so that you know if you are
communicating what you mean to. If you don't, you should hope that your
graphic designer is really a designer and not an artist disguised as a
What I feel I'm missing sometimes in graphic design is the ability to make
those graphics really compelling (not just clear), and that's where I feel I
would like to cooperate with a graphic designer with some artistic talent.


> I think the point is that users don't normally distinguish between
> interaction and visuals. To them, the experience of using the product
> unfolds over time, synthesizing what it looks like and how it behaves with a
> range of other elements (such as what it says, what it means and how they
> can perform socially with it).
> The development side, however, tends to separate interaction from visuals.
> There are several historical reasons for this but I think it is
> fundamentally problematic -- if our focus is on the use experience.
> The subject line of your post states your question as: "Can an interaction
> designer create (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?"
> I would say that an interaction designer can create interaction without
> great visual design skills. It happens every day.
> It is more doubtful whether an interaction designer can create great
> interaction without visual design skills.
> Not many of us are blessed with expert skills in multiple fields, of
> course. My conclusion is that in order to create great interaction, great
> skills are needed in interaction structuring and info architecture, visual
> design, and a range of other fields. But it is hardly realistic to expect
> that from a single person. Multidisciplinary teams seems to be the way to
> go.
> Jonas Löwgren
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