Ruth Kikin-Gil
Experience designer and Researcher
Website: http://www.ruthkikin.com
Telephone: +1-650-450-3832
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthkikingil
"Our computers should be like our childhood: 
an invisible foundation that is quickly forgotten but always with us, 
and effortlessly used throughout our lives." Mark Weiser

Thursday October 23, 2008 at 7:00pm 
Microsoft Convention center (Building 33)
Room st. Helen
16070 NE 36th Way
Redmond, Washington 98052 

Join us to our monthly IXDA meeting - hosted by Microsoft's Office Labs
(http://www.officelabs.com ) on Microsoft's main campus - Building 33.

This month's topic is " Lessons from game design"
This is a chance to learn where the fields of interaction design and game
design overlap. It's a chance for IxD to learn more about how games
challenge, reward, and engage players. We'll hear how game designers use
prototyping and sketching (Daniel Cook), about User Research on Social/Party
Games(George Amaya ), and how narrative and storytelling immerse players in
experiences (Mark Long).

Please don't be late - the event is recorded and we'll have to start on

The talks will be recorded and will be available online on
www.officelabs.com about a week after the event.

We are fully booked at the moment, but you can try and come anyway and
admittance will be on a first come first served basis.
Also - if you have RSVP'd already and know you can't make it - let us know
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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