When you talk about a calendar program, you are talking about keeping
track of events. A person looking to keep track of events is most
likely to be interested in what will happen that friday, rather than
what will happen 2 or 3 fridays from then.

That isn't to say people don't need to access dates based on month,
but that they wish almost exclusively to be told of events coming in
the next week, and most importantly the day they are currently in.

Be it a planner or birthday calendar.

These claims are based on countries where the weekend is the norm.
Anywhere that works on a different schedule will be different.

Like I said, being able to add your doctor's appointment 6 months
from now by month is useful, but forcing the user to click 6 times to
get to the month, then click on the right day, then enter the time,
then click 6 more times to get back, Is a pointless waste of effort.

Show the whole year. Show more than a whole year even. Rework the
scroll bar to tab between months rather than pages for quick access.

Splitting on the month doesn't help anyone.

I hope this is clearer, I can only assume people thought I meant to
page on the week and not the month, which is the exact opposite of
what I meant.

Paper can't scroll, windows can. Wall calenders have pages because
paper can't scroll. Possibly also to provide space for 11 extra
images. Some calenders add 6 extra months of the next year to have 17
more pictures.

So when I say people think in weeks, I mean that in the generalized
corporate world that most computer users work in, being shown a lot
of information about one week is more important than being able to
see one month on the screen all at once.

In other words. I would rather have 7 long stacked cells with 4-8
lines in potential of detailed text, than 35 cells (4-6 unused) with
less space available for me to see what is going on.

If I were less busy, as many people are, I'd like to have an endless
stream of 7 day periods, no wasted space and no need for next buttons.
And the scrollbar should be color-coded like the months are in the
pane, so I can click on a color to get to the month. (put the name of
the month in there too.)

Most of the world follows the 7 day paradigm. Even when they don't
follow the 5 on 2 off work week paradigm. At least when you talk
about the workplace.

I'll draw a diagram if people ask me to.


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