I want to second Greg's call to come. I'm super excited to attend, and I'm
speaking about a topic I care about and have spent the last couple years
studying: how interface affects viral activity on social sites. more than
ever, I think design execution is the difference between a site getting
users, and a site being an empty hallway devoid of life.

I know Erin Maloen and Christian Crumlish's workshop will be awesome because
I spied on it once before when it was being given next to one of mine. ;)
And Dan Brown is an amazing speaker too-- his talk 5 years ago on CMS's
changed my thinking radically forever on workflow. And that's just off the
top of my head on non-headliners.

Also, I'd love to meet up with folks there! if you are going, ping me on
twitter @cwodtke

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Petroff, Greg <greg.petr...@sap.com> wrote:

> We are now less than 30 days away from interaction'09|vancouver, the best
> design conference of 2009.
> We have a couple of updates:
> 1.       Some of you have asked, (mostly locals in Vancouver), if it would
> be possible to take a workshop without going to the rest of the conference.
> We are opening that option on the registration page. Choose the new
> workshops only option and then select a workshop. We have room in all of the
> workshops except Dan Saffer and Bill DeRouchey's Gestural Interface Workshop
> which is sold out.
> 2.       We are going to be smaller than we originally planned so those who
> are coming are in for a treat. If your waiting to buy your ticket, sign up
> now. Register here at: http://interaction09.ixda.org/registration.php
> 3.       Please consider staying at our conference hotels. You will be
> close to the action and helping us make our commitments to them. They are
> both great hotels and right next to each other.
> Check out the schedule and the conference's social network at:
> http://interaction09.crowdvine.com/calendar
> Finally, if you are considering a conference for 09 take a look at the
> value you will get with interaction'09|Vancouver. It costs half of the other
> programs that are out there and the line-up of speakers we have this year is
> just stellar. New this year we will have a Microsoft surface table in the
> Tangible Interaction Café that will let us all connect to each other, plus
> you will get to meet, network and party with all of your favorite IxDA
> friends and family.
> It is all about the tribe! Can't wait to see all of you in Vancouver!!!
> --Greg Petroff, Chair
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