Thanks to everyone for your support, input and suggestions; it's
great to have a sounding board (especially as I am currently a one
person team on this project!).

In answer to your questions:
As of last week we have had Google Analytics added to the site, which
is already giving us a lot of the information we sorely needed (as
pointed out by William and Ivy).  Currently 98% of the traffic is
heading towards that employee login!  However, this may be because
the site is not well publicised. Up until now it has been a
necessity, but not a marketing tool in any way (a corporate
decision). However, it looks like there is a new corporate strategy
about to be embraced, promoting services, which would require much
more visibility and which would obviously affect the architecture. 

The original reason for the redesign - and a good opportunity to
update and refresh its look and organization - was compliance with
accessibility laws and standards.

Heuristic, accessibility and a basic SWOT analysis have been
conducted (the first things I did when I started there). Prior to
that they did interview the members of the board and sent out
questionnaires to shareholders and other users (but I think that was
in 2005-6, yep, things move slowly!).

As you can tell, usability and interaction design techniques are
quite new to this client, so it's a question of showing them the
possibilities and improving the methodology bit by bit.  There are
plans to train some interns in this field, so at least they are open
to ideas (as long as they don't require too much time and resources
of course! hehe).

Anyway, thanks to all (Bryan, Peetri, Ivy) for suggesting
alternatives. "Employee login" or "Intranet login" as a visible
log in box on the home page makes a lot of sense, and the "About"
section avoids the "corporate" label duplication.

Paul, thanks for the suggestions and pointers to resources.
I completely agree that this needs to be user-focused, though at the
moment because of the internal politics and structure, I would not
have access to all the key shareholders (I'm subcontracted which
reduces my status even more!).  However, I have extracted some info
from the questionnaires and hopefully Google Analytics will give me
some more direction. bit by bit I hope to go addressing these
Regarding card sorting, yep, I think it is essential.  That I think I
can do by email within the company, which would at least be a start.
Scenarios and personas will be the next challenge!

Kind regards,


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