Hi Martina - I wrote an article on the downsides of using sIFR (even
for headlines). Please have a look as its use poses both
accessibility and usability challenges.


As for future support? At the moment there are two competing
proposals for supporting non-system fonts on the web: CSS3's @font
directive and Microsoft's proprietary EOT.

Both of those will only be available in browser's that support them.
Considering the amount of time it takes us to safely assume a majority
of the world has upgraded to a particular browser version I would say
we're 5 years off for full support and 2-3 years off for practical
progressive enhancement.

Sitepoint has a good breakdown of the issue as well:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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