
I'm not a psychologist, but I did study Clinical & Social Psychology as
one of my undergrad majors, and I use that experience for my IxDA work
almost daily. What level of expertise would be required? And what kind
of credentials?


adrian chan wrote:
> Folks,
> I've set up a private google google group for psychologists interested
> in social media. I know there aren't likely many psychologists among
> us, but if you know of any, or have worked with, consulted with, read
> or otherwise caught wind of psychologists on social media, feel free
> to let me know.
> The aim of the group will be to share insights and ideas applicable to
> social media user studies, research, and so on.
> If we are able to agree on anything, and can bring ourselves to
> publish/blog our analyses, I'll be happy to share them here.
> A number of you have expressed interest in what psychologists have to
> say on social media -- I chose to limit the group to practicing
> psychologists but I do want to share our findings. Let me know if
> you'd like me to let you know what we come up with. I'm sure I'll blog
> about it here and at
> cheers,
> adrian
> 415 516 4442     Twitter: /gravity7
> Social Interaction Design, Expertise, Consulting (gravity7) (gravity7
> blog) (slideshare)
> Sr Fellow, Society for New Communications Research (SNCR)
> Adhocnium Member (adhocnium)
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