We had the same debate.  While I personally think dark on light
non-white (specifically a light blue) is best, we once tested a
design with white on dark blue almost black.  users did not have
trouble reading as long as the font was sufficiently large (we had
slight negative reaction to font less than 12 on both mac and pc
laptops) and did not claim it was a problem.  These were short text
articles (slightly longer than your 200 words) that were broken up
some by insets and pictures.  I believe that a longer or denser block
of text may have seen different results.

Take it for what it is worth, as this was neither a statistically
significant test, nor was it within your specific context. 
Essentially, the takeaway is that no, white on black is not a no-no. 
(quadruple negative?)

Anecdotaly, I hate the blinding white background of the page I am
typing on right now.  Luckily for IxDA the content is so great I will
put up with it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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