HA. Didn't think you'd see a subject line like that one, didja? Figured that
would get your attention.

Seriously, though, I'm looking at the list of remaining Interaction '09
videos coming down the pike, and I'm excited to share them with the
community. But combine this with the list of Interaction '08 video, and the
body of videos is going to get unwieldy. Fast.

So here's an attempt at categorizing the video from both conferences. Don't
worry too much about how the navigation will be implemented; that's another
post entirely :-). With this post, I want to get your feedback on this
categorization. This is the time for my fellow peeps who enjoy the IA dance
to shine :-). (And yes, I suppose I *could* make this into a pretty
deliverable, but text is more conducive to e-mail-- if you'd like to make
this list more easily grokkable for everyone, have at it!).

Okay, enough stalling. Here goes!

*Thoughts on our Discipline*
* John Thackara: Experiencing Sustainability
* Robert Fabricant: Behavior is Our Medium
* Dan Saffer: Carpe Diem: Attention, Awareness, and Interaction Design 2009
Marc Rettig: How to Change Complicated Stuff (e.g., the World)
Jared Spool & Friends: Hiring the next generation of Interaction Designers
Kim Goodwin: Each One, Teach One
Josh Seiden: Weathering the current economic climate: A group conversation

Interaction '08:
Alan Cooper, Cooper: Keynote: An Insurgency of Quality
Bill Buxton, Microsoft: Keynote: The Design Eco-System

*Fundamentals of Interaction Design*
David Malouf: Foundations of Interaction Design: Bringing design critique to
interaction design
Jon Kolko: Interaction Design Synthesis: Translating Research into Insight
Charles Kreitzberg - Surviving a Design Review
Luke Wroblewski: Parti & The Design Sandwich
Michael Salamon: Gestalt Laws and Interaction Design

Interaction '08:
- Don't Make Me Click
  Aza Raskin, Humanized
- Conceptual Designs
  Susan Wyche, Georgia Tech
- Effective Prototyping Methods
  Jonathan Arnowitz, Google

*Tools and Techniques*
Tim Wood: Lo-Fi Sketchbook Techniques for Interaction Designers
Manuel Lima: Visual Complexity: A visual exploration on mapping complex
Chauncey Wilson: Metaphor Brainstorming: Using Metaphors to Generate Design
Ideas, Requirements, and Product Personality
Ian Swinson: Postcard Patterns: An Agile UI Pattern Creation Process
Bjorn Hartman: Enlightened Trial and Error - Gaining Design Insight Through
New Prototyping Tools
Paula Wellings: Guerilla methods for designing in the wild
Jenifer Tidwell: Mobile Interaction Design Patterns
Dante Murphy: State Mapping
Igor Faletski: A New Approach to Optimizing Exisiting Sites for Mobile
Access Using CSS, XHTML and Selective Transcoding
Joseph Dombroski: Waiting
Nick Iozzo: Object-Oriented-Design (OOD): A Wireframing and Specifications
Technique for Rich Interactions and Complex Business Logic
Miles Rochford: Understanding Contexts of Use
Andrei Herasimchuk: Building a Digital Concept Car
Simon King: Tailored Interactions

Interaction '08:
- Designing for SpaceTime, Building in No-Time
  Matt Jones, Dopplr
- Redesigning Sony-Ericsson's Product Catalog
  Saskia Idzerda, Media Catalyst
- Strategic Boredom
  Molly Wright Steenson, Princeton University
- Concept Models: A Tool for Planning Interaction
  Dan Brown, EightShapes
- Concept Ideation and IxD
  Gretchen Anderson, Lunar
- Designing for the Other 99%
  Morten Hjerde, mBricks
- Help Me! A New Approach to Support Interactions
  Doug Bolin, Avenue A | Razorfish

*New Approaches*
Mikkel Michelsen: Mission Critical Interaction Design
Leisa Reichelt: Design by Community - The Drupal.org redesign
Dan Willis: How to Build Your First Spime Management System
German Leon Osorio: Design for Life by Identifying the Lifecycle of an
Kars Alfrink: Play in social and tangible interactions
Nadya Direkova: What’s in a game? A look at game design best practices as
prime influencers of interaction design.
Camille Moussette: Sketching haptic and multimodal interaction
Darren David & Nathan Moody: Designing Natural Interfaces: Notes from the
Multi-Touch, Multi-User Frontlines
Christina Wodtke: Designing the Viral App
Joe Fletcher: Designing for Teams, Designing for Touch
Paul A. Joo: Interaction impacts Service Design
Aza Raskin: Designing in the Open

Interaction '08:
- Keynote: Intervention-Interaction
  Sigi Moeslinger, Antenna Design
- Design for Flow
  Dave Cronin, Cooper
- Conversations with Everyday Objects
  Bill DeRouchey, Ziba Design
- Classic Design Movements and IxD: Kissing Cousins?
  Chris Bernard, Microsoft
- Hit it with The Pretty Stick
  Jenny Lam, Jackson Fish Market
- Interaction Design for Community Empowerment
  Carl DiSalvo, Georgia Tech
- Device Art
  Régine Debatty, We Make Money Not Art

*Interaction Design and Cinema*
Chloe Gottleib & Jill Nussbaum: Journeys in Motion

Interaction '08:
- Cinematic Interaction Design
  Sarah Allen, Laszlo Systems
- Dramatic Features in Interaction Design
  Chris Conley, Gravity Tank
- Self-Conscious Gaming
  Andrew Hieronymi, SCAD

*Interaction Design and Organizations*
Joe Fletcher: Designing for Teams, Designing for Touch

Interaction '08:
- Interaction Across Disciplines
  Michele Tepper, frog
- Experience Design, Convergence + The Digital Agency
  David Armano, Critical Mass
- User Interface Design in an Agile Environment: Enter the Design Studio
  Jeff White and Jim Ungar, JewelryTV

More video coming to the library at http://library.ixda.org soon!

- Nasir

P.S. Interaction '08 videos, while not currently playable in-page, are still
available for download on each talk's page, linked off of
http://interaction08.ixda.org. Downloadable MP4s and a podcast feed of
Interaction '09 videos coming soon!
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