Hello Nicole,

I'm involved with an online video project called the global oneness
project and we use tags (we call them keywords) as a pretty visible
way of navigating the site.

When we initially started the site, we ran into the same issues and
questions that you have. My primary concern was to create a site that
was scalable (Started with a dozen videos but now have hundreds), took
advantage of the growing use of tags, but still didn't alienate our
presumed large audience of non technical users.

So what I came up with was a global navigation that consists of a
basic hierarchical navigation that breaks down videos into our two
subcategories of short films and interviews and an area called
"explore" that uses tags to filter content by keywords and

We also surface related tags on the individual video pages and
compliment that with "related videos"

I don't have any hard data on the success rates of each piece of
navigation but what I have noticed during the past year is that the
users who "explore" by category or keywords spend way more time on
the site and seem to have a deeper experience.  

Oh... one last thing. All of our content is self produced so our tags
are editorial and are not generated by users.

Feel free to contact me with any additional specific video site
questions. Happy to help.

Visual Designer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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