Last year I posted a thread on this list asking about master's programs. My
perspective was changed by the responses I received, reorienting my ideas of
what I want to get out of school. I'm proud to say that i've been accepted
into the Interactive Telecommunications graduate program at NYU! I visited
the program last Fall and it was AMAZING. Dozens of classes on the bleeding
edges of technology with an emphasis on collaboration.

I'm planning on focusing on getting my interaction design skills finely
honed along with classes in mobile applications, multitouch development,
sustainable energy, the list goes on! :)

I'm still working on the details of how i'm going to pay for the program. If
anybody knows of a company that would be willing to give me a grant (or
other aid) in exchange for work later on (or intern work), please let me

Thanks again IxDA! I am EXCITED!

Michael Martinez-Campos
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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