David Blumenthal (the new National Coordinator for Health IT) and Mark
Leavitt (the chair of their certification commission) are suggesting
in today's Wall Street Journal that user experience be included in the
certification criteria for electronic health records (EHRs) that will
be eligible for $17 billion in federal incentive payments.

>From http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124027664223937475.html:

"The Certification Commission for Healthcare IT currently certifies
EHR systems now available on the market, based on whether they are
interoperable and have certain functions. However, Blumenthal said
that having certain functions is not enough. He added, 'We need to
ensure that physicians can actually use it.' CCHIT Chair Mark Leavitt
said the group is considering a revision of the certification criteria
to include users' experiences."

Any idea how they might approach "certifying" usability in a
meaningful way?  Impossible?

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