Nice piece. That happens a lot with clients/colleagues in other disciplines asking for simple black and white answers to issues that have a lot to do with context and many other factors.

On the other hand, I would be careful about seeing usability as something that requires a lot of specific training. Even in this article Buxton talks about how usability practices do not have to be the exclusive domain of usability specialists. While having a deep background in human factors and cognitive sciences can help, this does not have to be the exclusive realm of people with specific qualifications. In fact it can be a lot better as engineers, designers, marketing people, and poets listen to each other and learn to speak the same language.

 .   .   .   michael kay
 .   .   .   buenos aires /

On 30/04/2009, at 17:53, j. eric townsend wrote:

FWIW, that's an excellent write-up of why I went back to school to study design...

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