Hi Steve

Steve Mulder's book, The User Is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web, is excellent. The title doesn't do its depth on analysis justice, but it's the best of the books I've read on analyzing user research, and I've read several of the books on your list. For a taste of his viewpoint on the topic, read my review of his IA Summit 2006 talk, "Bringing More Science to Persona Creation, here:


(The conference reviews I've written for UXmatters are true reviews, more than critiques, and impart as much salient information as I was able to capture in my notes.)

Quite a few articles on UXmatters, in addition to your own and Lindsay's, cover this topic. I particularly recommend Michael Hawley's column, Research That Works. You'll find a list of all UXmatters articles on user research here:


The description of the CHI 2007 Workshop "Beyond Current User Research: Designing Methods for New Users, Technologies, and Design Processes" includes a good bibliography:


Regards, Pabini

Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Principal UX Architect
Spirit Softworks LLC

Publisher & Editor in Chief

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