* apologies for cross-posting (on behalf of Andrea Resmin)

The Journal of Information Architecture inaugural Spring 2009 Issue,
Issue 1, Volume 1, is now available online at http://journalofia.org/.

Table of Contents

Dorte Madsen
Editorial: Shall We Dance?

Gianluca Brugnoli
Connecting the Dots of User Experience

Helena Francke
Towards an Architectural Document Analysis

Andrew Hinton
The Machineries of Context

James Kalbach
On Uncertainty in Information Architecture

Issue 1, Volume 1 is an invited authors only issue and abstracts and
full papers in PDF format are available at the Journal's web site.
Articles will be available as XHTML pages as well in the coming days.

The Call for Papers for the Autumn 2009 issue, Issue 2, Volume 1, is
open and available at http://journalofia.org/cfp/.

The Journal of Information Architecture is an international
peer-reviewed scholarly journal whose aim is to facilitate the
systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field
of information architecture.

This first issue is freely available to the public. Each subsequent
current issue will be accessible first to Information Architecture
Institute [http://www.iainstitute.org] members, while the archives will
be available to everyone.

Journal of Information Architecture

Andrea Resmini
Information Architect
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