IxDA Phoenix will hold it's second meet up this Tuesday, May 12th
from 6pm – 9pm. Gangplank (http://www.gangplankhq.com) in Chandler
has once again opened their space up to us for this event. Gangplank
is a collaborative workspace so laptops, cameras, and other gadgets
are encouraged.

If you're planning on stopping by, be ready to get your hands dirty.
IxDA Phoenix is focused on not only bringing the community in Phoenix
together, but also bringing the community together for a purpose. Our
meet ups focus on attendees enhancing their skills through ideation,
prototyping, and conversation.

If you have a career in the field or simply are curious, please stop
by and check us out. Everyone is welcome!

You can RSVP by visiting http://ixdaphoenix.ning.com

Hope to see you all there! Bring a friend (or 2)! 

Tonia M. Bartz

twitter: @IxDAPhoenix
email: phoenix-local at ixda.org
web: http://ixdaphoenix.ning.com

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