Want to thank everyone for their suggestions. Here's where I landed:

English first. That's the majority of the userbase.
All other languages, sorted by their English name, but displayed in
their native language.

I really wanted to go with the region break-up, but it doesn't
create exclusive groups: French is North American and European,
English could be in every region. And we're not filtering any
content by country-- French is French. So either list languages again
in every region that they appear (as Apple does), or pick the primary
region, which seems very debatable.

I should have mentioned that these are device settings, so stuff like
IP address filtering and getting clever with browsers doesn't apply.
I'm also somewhat limited in space, otherwise the suggestion to put
the english name of the language in parenthesis next to any
non-Phoenician based languages is a good one.

The flags are nice, but better at representing countries than
languages. I suspect Apple included those flags more to spiff up a
dull list than to resolve any usability issue (hence the glossiness).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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