I thought Id share something weve been working on for months now. It is a web font-embedding system which is based on W3C standards and provides a secure, reliable way to use fonts whose files are hosted on a global network of servers. When you buy a font license you will be able to create embeddable fonts. Simply enter the URL(s) where the font will be used and the languages to be supported, and the system instantly generates a short block of CSS code. Paste the code into your website, and you are ready to start using the font. You will not work with actual font files, but with the CSS code linking to the font files. For most browsers TTF subsets are used, for Internet Explorer, fonts are converted to EOT format on the fly.
Part of the project was to define which glyphs all of our 100 supported languages exactly use. Say, I use our font 'Fedra Sans Pro', with over 2,000 glyphs, which is over 500k. When you choose to use English only, it will remove all the Greek, Cyrillic and Extended Latin, OpenType features (besides the ones that are currently supported by browsers) and make a font that is only 30k. Users can define as many languages they want, but of course the size of the font inflates with every additional language. Here is a sample: http://www.typotheque.com/webfonts/multilingual_sample Known issues: In Safari, Arabic will work. Opera 10 and Firefox 3.5 require AAT fonts for word shaping on Mac OSX. In Windows, all scripts should work fine (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic). More information about the system is here http://www.typotheque.com/news/web_font_service_preview We plan to launch the service later this summer. If you are interested to test drive the system in coming weeks, drop me an email to (peter AT typotheque DOT com).
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