How about a direct, 2nd person approach like "Your partner's birthday?"

I'm w/ Robert - rephrase and be correct.

Awesome that you have an internal nun, Mark.


On Jul 21, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Gretchen Anderson wrote:

People always get irritated about nouns becoming verbs and yet we all
"google" things.

Language lives! Evolve! Their! Theirs! ;)

That's how your friends would talk, no?

Wikipedia is hardly a reliable source for grammar expertise. Don't make me
send Grammar Girl after you.

"Their" is grammatically incorrect when used to refer to a single person.
Consider rewriting the sentence all together.

In my books, I consistently interchanged "he" and "she" to encourage the
reader to visualize an actual person without giving favor to either gender.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Mark Green
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] "His/Her" vs. "Their" in website copy

Although my internal nun is scowling at me, I'd have to agree with
Mike. It's certainly accepted in everyday speech and the language
needs such a term.

I think "youse" would be a harder sell (except in Philly).

Joan Vermette
primary phone: 617-495-0184

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