Yeah this this has gone from "must-read" to "rarely check" for me for the
reasons being discussed.

Personally, I think that the public and google-indexed nature of the list
leads to people trying to win arguments and not to friendly discussions
between peers like other lists.

Paul Nuschke
Principal, Research & Strategy

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 3:12 AM, dave malouf <> wrote:

> Jon, thanx for pointing out the guideline. Which implies that
> enforcement is the issue, not the rule, eh?
> But before I read Jon's reminder, I had a slightly different thought
> about this thread which permeates most of my thoughts around design at
> the moment. Not everything works for everyone. There are VERY few
> examples where a single precise product or version of a product is
> good for everyone. There are very few markets that have single
> brands, single product lines, single channels, etc. etc.
> The complaints that Dante made about Jared & Andrei in my mind don't
> hold. That isn't to say that Dante isn't right for Dante, but I LOVE
> Andrei's retorts on this list. I find them meaningful and they
> constantly add to and push my own thinking time and time again.
> Often, Jared's simple retorts demonstrate to me how clearly the
> person he's responding to is incorrect and how I can use those clear
> statements myself. (maybe with slightly less snark, but that is style,
> not content).
> I also started thinking about the interaction dynamics of a
> discussion list in all its forms. First, it is interesting how my
> experience of the this forum has changed once I moved from email to
> the RSS/Web hybrid approach to engaging with this community. In the
> end, I still get everything individually but b/c it is not in the
> perhaps more sacred space of my "email" it doesn't pull on the
> attention that I really need to protect. I don't say this to
> evangelize MY way of doing it, but to say that how we engage effects
> how we perceive.
> The other part of this dynamic is the asynchronous nature of it all.
> In the "heat of the moment" of a discussion there can be a flurry
> of emails back and forth. For those participating it feels like it is
> 1 instance, even though that single exchange can include a multitude
> of messages. So for those that come later to the conversation it
> feels well overwhelming.
> Then there is the other side of the asynchronous. I post something,
> come back and see a slew of responses. Often I try to finish reading
> them all and then respond at the end of the thread. But if I'm
> writing and things come in and new points are raised that demonstrate
> I have not been comprehensive enough in my previous reply I may reply
> again. This dynamic  is often what happens when someone has more than
> 10 replies in a given topic on a single day.
> The issue is the maintenance of the hybrid dynamic of "post" and
> "conversation". One of the things that has always set apart this
> list from like CHI-WEB was that we did have conversation. That
> implies a back & forth dialog which requires multiple postings. It is
> in the dynamic of the dialog where I find the greatest value, where I
> find I get my mind changed, where my own thinking is added to, where
> I learn to crystalize my thoughts, etc.
> While I respect the reason why the plurality of voices is in there, I
> do feel that anyone has really (in quite a long time) broken that
> rule.
> In the recent threads re: principles and UCD, there have actually
> been people speaking whom I have not seen contribute before. There is
> new passionate energy mixing with the old guard. This to me is
> valuable as well and sometimes it is important to let things breath
> and see where they go.
> A little snark and a a few run-ons really don't hurt anyone and I
> would feel like we would be missing a big opportunity if we did all
> of sudden started enforcing too critically the guideline of plurality
> of voices the way that Dante is suggesting.
> (BTW, I know, this is a long post, and I'm often someone who posts
> over and over again on a single topic.)
> -- dave
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Posted from the new
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