Hi Elizabeth,

Acquia (www.acquia.com) is a company started by the creator of Drupal and
offers an interesting set of services that include hosting and support, all
in one place (http://acquia.com/products-services).  Not sure if they have a
deal for non-profits but it's worth asking.



On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Elizabeth Bacon <li...@elizabethbacon.com>wrote:

> Hi IxDA peeps,
> We're looking for hosting service & Drupal support suggestions as
> options to consider for the upcoming new IxDA.org website. Presently
> we're hosted by Dreamhost and that may be the right option going
> forward but we'd love to get some additional ideas from the
> community. Here are our technical specifications:
> - Web-accessible IP address
> - Apache web server (2.x preferred)
> - PHP 5.2 minimum
> - MySQL 5.0 minimum
> - Unix environment (OS X, Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc.) required
> - PHP should be set to at least 64 MB of RAM per process, and we need
> the Apache mod_rewrite module enabled on the server.
> - IRunning an Opcode cache is recommended.
> - Storage requirements of 2GB (1GB of storage space for the site's
> mySQL database and an additional 1GB of storage for files like
> images, videos, PDFs, etc. should be sufficient to begin with)
> - Bandwidth requirements will be driven by the number of visits to
> the site and the type of behavior visitors engage in while there. (We
> presently have a membership of 12,000, and it's growing at a rate of
> about 100 members per month. This past month, we've seen 50,000
> visits, mostly via Google searches that land on our discussion
> pages.)
> The other major component is having Drupal admins available for
> maintenance, fixing any problems that occur and possibly for making
> ad-hoc changes to the system when needed.
> We appreciate your inputs! Either post here or email me via
> ixd(at)elizabethbacon(dot)com. Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Liz / IxDA Vice-President & Conan wrangler
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