If money is biggest concern, Umea and Malmo are great programs and I
would add CIID to the bunch as well.

No one can tell you which program you should go to. All 3 are
excellent. You need to look inside yourself and find out what you
want. Each are very different and all will more than prepare you for
"web design". 

But if Web design is what you are looking for, then maybe different
programs would be better. Ones that are more about "new media" or
"interactive design" might be better. Some of interest (not
necessarily cheap) are SCAD's Interactive Design, Simon Fraser
University, the new program in Boulder looks interesting, And in
Stockholm there is another interactive program, and in the US back
again there is Full Sail. In fact, in the "interactive" or
"digital" design arenas there are a host of programs.

Most "interaction design" programs are usually way more than just
web design.

But even once you settle on a direction, you should really learn and
understand the philosophies of each program. It does make a

Anyway, lots to always think about.

-- dave

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