
UX trends and future expectations: (lots of guess work here)

* Less outsourcing of strategic projects (keeping core business in

* More effort upfront to define focus, create designs/prototypes to
test a business case and iterate without blowing big budgets first
and wasting effort

* Changes in the ways teams are structured both on paper and
physically (breaking down functional silos) and getting different
disciplines to sit next to each other and talk

* Mobile design having positive impacts on simplifying desktop
applications and enterprise

* More emphasis on customer support/call center UX (reducing the
"cost center" thinking)

* Focus - reducing, simplifying, rethinking technology investments
(being smarter in those investments as technology integrates further
and further into business)

* Business copying consumer UX on their internal systems e.g. "I
want it to be like Google" "I want it to look and feel like
Facebook" (and the pluses/minuses it brings)

* Increased demand for Designers who can help Management articulate
strategy and communicate that vision across the business.

* Better understanding of the social strategy both in and outside of
business and how that can help you better work together to creating
better stuff :)

Add you own ...


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