When: Tonight, Wednesday, December 2, 2009 from 6pm to 10pm

Where: Nearys Pub. 1 Chatham St Dublin. http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=en&rlz=1C1GGLS_enIE342IE342&resnum=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Neary%27s+dublin&fb=1&hq=Neary%27s&hnear=dublin&cid=7205722433554118998
Phone: 0858334988

The IxDA is hosting a warm winter xmas social in the upstairs of Neary's Pub. Kicking off seasonal joy from 6.30pm on the 2nd Dec . We hope to gather around a hot port and reflect on an amazing year for the IxDA Dublin.

This year has seen the IxDA go from strength to strength with over 200 people at http://defuse.ixd.ie . This event showed that the IxDA Dublin are about meeting up, and creating something amazing.

If you haven't made an appearance at a meet, this is the perfect chance to come meet the diverse and active members of the IxDA Dublin. ( Worst case scenario, your in the best pub in town )

We plan to brainstorm events for next year, and want the community's participation in our growth and direction for 2010.

Interested: RSVP at http://ixdadublin.ning.com/

All the Best,

Seamus Byrne
Creative Director
"Visual and Interaction Design for Brands, Products and Services"

Mobl: 087 618 5655

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